
1. Maintenance Functions and Terminology:

  • Maintenance functions include maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO).
  • MRO is used for maintenance, repair, and operations.
  • Maintenance activities aim to retain or restore functional units.
  • Maintenance includes tasks to keep facilities in continuous use at original capacity.
  • Maintenance and MRO terminology has become standardized over time.

2. Types of Maintenance:

  • Industries like marine, air transportation, offshore structures, and industrial plant management rely on MRO.
  • Preventive maintenance involves planned equipment checks and servicing.
  • Corrective maintenance is performed after equipment wear, malfunction, or breakdown.
  • Architectural conservation uses MRO to preserve historical structures.
  • MRO includes scheduled paint maintenance programs for steel in harsh environments.

3. Planned Maintenance:

  • Planned maintenance is scheduled service to ensure equipment operates correctly.
  • Timing is crucial for planned maintenance to prevent unscheduled breakdowns.
  • It can be date-based, equipment running hours-based, or distance-travelled-based.
  • Some parts have fixed maintenance intervals known as time-change interval items.
  • Planned maintenance helps avoid downtime and unexpected failures.

4. Predictive and Condition-based Maintenance:

  • Predictive maintenance estimates when maintenance should be performed based on equipment condition.
  • Sensors monitor key parameters to predict breakdowns before they happen.
  • Condition-based Maintenance utilizes real-time data to optimize maintenance resources.
  • Challenges include high initial costs and turning data into actionable knowledge.
  • Value potential includes optimal plant operation and lower production costs.

5. Corrective Maintenance and Advantages/Disadvantages:

  • Corrective maintenance is used after equipment breakdown or malfunction.
  • It involves conventional processes like welding and rebuilding damaged equipment.
  • Advantages of Condition-based Maintenance include improved system reliability and decreased maintenance costs.
  • Disadvantages are high installation costs and unpredictable maintenance periods.
  • CBM is not widely used for less important machinery due to costs.
Maintenance (Wikipedia)

The technical meaning of maintenance involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial, business, and residential installations. Over time, this has come to include multiple wordings that describe various cost-effective practices to keep equipment operational; these activities occur either before or after a failure.

A tractor being mechanically repaired in Werneuchen, 1966
Field repair of aircraft engine (1915–1916)


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